Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot - steam id 76561198213909425

Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot

  • Level 26
  • ST
  • 9y., 4m.
  • offline
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Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot SteamID

Vanity URL fatalerrorgoat
AccountID 253643697
SteamID 76561198213909425
Steam2 ID STEAM_1:1:126821848
Steam3 ID [U:1:253643697]
Invite URL
Invite URL (short)
FiveM, HEX steam:11000010f1e4bb1

Bans and restrictions

Game Bans In Good Standing
VAC Bans In Good Standing
Community Ban In Good Standing
Trade Ban In Good Standing

Since 2019 Hours per platform

Total 2107640h 18m
Windows 0h 0m
Linux 0h 0m
MacOS 0h 0m

BBCode (forums , etc)

Markdown (reddit, etc)

Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot Steam Profile refreshed 1 week, 1 day, 15 hours, 21 minutes, 26 seconds ago. All data is cached up to one hour.

Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot Steam Profile 201 Games

Bad Rats $0.49 64851h 20m
BEEP $1.99 33725h 30m
DETOUR $1.99 03h 50m
Defy Gravity $1.99 34627h 39m
PAYDAY: The Heist $14.99 69104h 10m
Age of Empires® III (2007) $39.99 02h 48m
LIMBO $9.99 03h 02m
Waveform $1.99 34627h 08m
X-Blades $4.99 34635h 30m
PAYDAY 2 $9.99 69176h 07m
Gorky 17 $2.49 03h 02m
Grimm Free or No Price 03h 14m
Out There Somewhere $0.99 34625h 28m
Revolution Ace $4.99 34626h 14m
The Hat Man: Shadow Ward $9.99 34624h 44m

What games does Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot play?

  • Bad Rats
  • BEEP

When was the Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot Steam account created?

Steam account Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot was created on August 22, 2015. At the moment, Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot has played 2107640 hour(s).

What is the approximate cost of a Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot Steam account?

To find out the cost of the current cost of the Crushed Bomb! | 1:1 Trading Bot account, refresh the page.
Profile data is taken from the SteamID cache and is currently being updated. This usually takes less than 30 seconds.