_Fx - steam id 76561198237943718


  • Level 63
  • 9y., 6m.
  • online
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_Fx SteamID

Vanity URL _FX_
AccountID 277677990
SteamID 76561198237943718
Steam2 ID STEAM_1:0:138838995
Steam3 ID [U:1:277677990]
Invite URL https://steamcommunity.com/user/cbmt-bkpj
Invite URL (short) https://s.team/p/cbmt-bkpj
FiveM, HEX steam:1100001108d07a6

Bans and restrictions

Game Bans 1
VAC Bans In Good Standing
Community Ban In Good Standing
Trade Ban In Good Standing

Since 2019 Hours per platform

Total 1327881h 16m
Windows 0h 0m
Linux 0h 0m
MacOS 0h 0m

BBCode (forums , etc)

Markdown (reddit, etc)

_Fx Steam Profile refreshed 3 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 10 hours, 46 minutes, 21 seconds ago. All data is cached up to one hour.

_Fx Steam Profile 66 Games

Garry's Mod $9.99 48309h 17m
Bad Rats $0.49 47214h 49m
Portal 2 $9.99 47934h 02m
Terraria $9.99 47648h 07m
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Free or No Price 44448h 00m
Lucius $9.99 46699h 56m
Rust $39.99 124h 48m
Rust - Staging Branch Not in store 0h 0m
Enclave $4.99 44817h 07m
East India Company Gold Not in store 77h 46m
Earth 2150: The Moon Project Not in store 28763h 39m
Dungeons 2 $19.99 44725h 48m
Starbound $14.99 46859h 10m
Starbound - Unstable Not in store 77h 46m
Humanity Asset $1.99 42296h 58m

What games does _Fx play?

  • Garry's Mod
  • Bad Rats
  • Portal 2

When was the _Fx Steam account created?

Steam account _Fx was created on July 7, 2015. At the moment, _Fx has played 1327881 hour(s).

What is the approximate cost of a _Fx Steam account?

To find out the cost of the current cost of the _Fx account, refresh the page.
Profile data is taken from the SteamID cache and is currently being updated. This usually takes less than 30 seconds.