⛄HARDCORE⛄ - steam id 76561198278847140


  • Level 210
  • RU
  • 9y.
  • online
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Vanity URL not set
AccountID 318581412
SteamID 76561198278847140
Steam2 ID STEAM_1:0:159290706
Steam3 ID [U:1:318581412]
Invite URL https://steamcommunity.com/user/cdwt-dppg
Invite URL (short) https://s.team/p/cdwt-dppg
FiveM, HEX steam:110000112fd2aa4

Bans and restrictions

Game Bans In Good Standing
VAC Bans In Good Standing
Community Ban In Good Standing
Trade Ban In Good Standing

Since 2019 Hours per platform

Total 1470393h 08m
Windows 0h 0m
Linux 0h 0m
MacOS 0h 0m

BBCode (forums , etc)

Markdown (reddit, etc)

⛄HARDCORE⛄ Steam Profile refreshed 1 day, 14 minutes, 59 seconds ago. All data is cached up to one hour.

⛄HARDCORE⛄ Steam Profile 807 Games

Counter-Strike $9.99 54882h 40m
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero $9.99 306h 25m
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes $9.99 0h 0m
Counter-Strike: Source $9.99 56419h 00m
Garry's Mod $9.99 45374h 47m
Midnight Outlaw: 6 Hours to Sun Up $9.99 00h 02m
Space Trader: Merchant Marine $4.99 00h 01m
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition $9.99 0h 0m
Left 4 Dead $9.99 58430h 42m
Bully: Scholarship Edition $14.99 6421h 55m
Caster $1.99 04h 08m
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor $19.99 00h 12m
Company of Heroes $19.99 83h 58m
Trine $14.99 1467h 33m
Clutch $9.99 00h 21m

What games does ⛄HARDCORE⛄ play?

  • Counter-Strike
  • Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
  • Counter-Strike: Source

When was the ⛄HARDCORE⛄ Steam account created?

Steam account ⛄HARDCORE⛄ was created on January 24, 2016. At the moment, ⛄HARDCORE⛄ has played 1470393 hour(s).

What is the approximate cost of a ⛄HARDCORE⛄ Steam account?

To find out the cost of the current cost of the ⛄HARDCORE⛄ account, refresh the page.
Profile data is taken from the SteamID cache and is currently being updated. This usually takes less than 30 seconds.